About Us

Welcome to Design By Technique, where innovation intertwines with comfort and style. Our tale commences in the digital corridors of an online music emporium, where we initially catered to the creative yearnings of musicians worldwide. Yet, as the melody of time played on, so did our aspirations. Recognizing the evolving desires of our clientele, we embarked on a transformative journey, transitioning from a music-centric enterprise to a dynamic online retail destination.

Formerly known as Bad Newz Beats LLC, our platform stood as a sanctuary for both burgeoning and seasoned musicians, offering an eclectic assortment of beats, rhythms, and melodies to fuel their artistic pursuits. While our musical heritage remains deeply ingrained in our DNA, we have since evolved into a multifaceted entity, curating not only soul-stirring melodies but also a captivating collection of furniture to enrich your living spaces.

Within our diverse array of furniture offerings, echoes of our musical legacy still resonate. Venture forth to explore our curated selection of beats and tracks, sourced from talented artists worldwide, available on platforms like BeatStars. Whether you're embellishing your home or seeking inspiration for your next creative endeavor, Design By Technique endeavors to be your ultimate destination for all things inventive and inspiring.

At Design By Technique, we transcend the confines of conventional retail; we are purveyors of artistic expression, creativity, and innovation. Emerging from our musical roots, we now embrace a broader canvas of creativity, offering a sanctuary where individuals can explore their passions, unleash their creativity, and find inspiration in every facet. Join us on this transformative journey, where melody converges with comfort, and ingenuity knows no boundaries.